Le rouge sur la rue

Some of my best and most cherished redbeards were sent by family or friends. And occasionally they go to great lengths to obtain their photos. This is the case of today's post. My loyal brother Liam hunted down a man with an exceptional ruby beard. 

The highway chase took place somewhere near Cincinnati, Ohio, and the redbeard was also driving a red car. While the shot isn't straight on, you still get a sense of this beard's magnificence. My brother said the beard itself was over a foot long, and the picture seems to support his claim, although the window ledge cuts off our view. I imagine that growing and maintaining such bountiful facial hair is hard work. A real commitment.

So if any of you Ohioans happen upon this remarkable man again, please send him my way. He's a rare specimen. And merci encore to Liam for detecting and then chasing him down I-75.